Day: July 25, 2022

Day: July 25, 2022


Top Tips for Training Your DogTop Tips for Training Your Dog

Training your dog is essential if you and your family intend to have quality time with your new pet. Dogs are like humans in many ways. They love to play, learn, and explore. However, they still need boundaries and have to be aware of what kind of behavior is acceptable and what is not.

Besides, the training process is a great way to bond with your dog. Dogs are naturally curious and enjoy learning commands. That is why training can be particularly fun for them. So, without further ado, let us learn the basics of training your dog. I will also share with you a few tips and tricks I have personally found to be helpful.

What Is the Best Way to Train My Dog?

Dogs learn best when the training process is reward-based. This means that when they perform the right way, you have to offer them a reward. It can be a treat, a toy, or praise. Choose your rewards wisely. The more your dog likes them, the more it will enjoy the training process. Some excellent healthy dog treats can be:

  • Meat
  • Cheese
  • Peanut butter
  • Apple slices
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Pumpkin

Manage Your Own Expectations

Remember that dogs are not humans. While they are highly intelligent animals, who generally like performing commands, they still need time to get used to the training process. What is more, puppies are a lot like human babies. They have a shorter attention span and are just getting to know the surrounding world. That is why they may get easily distracted and may initially seem somewhat slow.

Therefore, it is important to have realistic expectations and be patient. Also, I recommend you maintain a positive attitude throughout the entire training session, even if your dog is not performing up to your expectations. In time, your canine friend will get better, and training will become a lot easier.

Choose а Suitable Name for Your Dog

Naming your puppy is lots of fun. But do you know that some dog names are more suitable than others? For instance, I named my dog Jasper, because it has a strong ending, which makes him react to it and memorize it better. Other great-sounding dog names are Oscar, Caesar, and Rex.

Create the Right Environment

Training is a great way to socialize your dog and teach it good canine manners. However, small puppies need to be protected, just as human babies do. For instance, if you are about to go out and leave your dog without supervision for some time, make sure it is safe.

A great way to do that is by placing it in a crate or a pen or by installing a baby gate. Also, be careful not to leave any objects that may cause a dangerous situation anywhere in the vicinity. Puppies chew all sorts of stuff, which may result in choking or other incidents.

Last but not least, young dogs tend to indulge in destructive behaviors when left alone for extended periods. You don’t want to end up with ruined furniture, shoes, and clothes, right?

Use Body Language

Remember that your dog does not speak English or any other language. In time, it learns to recognize the sound of certain words. However, if you wish to help your canine friend connect the sound of the command to its meaning, it is best to show what you mean using your body language. Carefully observing the dog’s body language is also a must at all times.

In addition, you should strive to be happy every time your dog comes to you regardless of whether you have called it or not. Always call your pet in a cheerful, calm manner.

Ensure Sufficient Physical Activity

Dogs, especially puppies, need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. This makes the training process more effective and keeps them away from trouble. Bored dogs tend to engage in all kinds of destructive behaviors.

Set Your Dog Up for Success

It is best if training sessions take place in a controlled environment. This will help your dog succeed, and both you and your pet will feel happier and more satisfied. One of the basic rules for creating the ideal setting includes the removal of distractions. A quiet room in your home or a distant lawn in the park would do a great job, especially if you are starting the training session with new lessons. Here is a useful video to help you increase the focus of your dog:

Make sure to remain positive at all times, regardless of how your dog is performing. Stay patient and be quick to praise and reward. The training sessions should be short but regular. This way, your dog will not get too tired, its concentration will be on the high, and it will not forget what it has learned. Also, always try to end with a trick or a command that your dog already knows, so it will be left with a pleasant feeling.

Use Expert Help

Training your dog is fun and brings the two of you closer together. However, if you feel you have certain training issues you find hard to resolve or just need some help to put you on the right track, the best thing to do would be to seek expert help. There are many great professionals who will assist you in creating a better connection with your canine friend.