About Us

Hey there,

This is us – Sam and Jasper. It is so good to meet you! I am Sam and I am Jasper’s dog daddy. Jasper is the most playful, loving, and goofy Great Dane you could ever meet. I’ve had him since he was a tiny puppy, and now he is a huge, cuddly ball of fur. He snores like an old man but he still thinks he’s a baby, so he tries to fit into all sorts of tiny spaces and acts silly most of the time.

Jasper is particularly friendly with other dogs and gets along well with cats, too. Like most Great Danes, he also enjoys the company of humans. The two of us live in a small town cottage away from the big city crowds and closer to nature. We love to wake up to the sound of birds chirping in the garden and stroll along the lush, green areas in the vicinity.

Jasper and I moved here soon after our paths crossed. We exchanged our minimalist, modern flat in the busy big city for the comfort of the country cottage, where we can lay all day long on colourful rugs surrounded by books and cups of unfinished tea. We could not have made a better choice.

I am a writer, and this kind of life suits me just fine. And Jasper’s happy when his daddy’s happy, too. We do have a lot of free time on our hands, and that is why I started this blog about raising dogs. Being a writer and a dog lover, it seemed like a natural choice.

Now, I’ve said a lot about Jasper, so let me share a little something about me as well. I was born and raised in the countryside. I was close to animals most of my life. I got my first dog, Tara, as a present for my seventh birthday from my parents. Needless to say, Tara was the first girl I ever fell in love with. This black Labrador lass stole my heart from the first moment I saw her. She was three months old when she arrived in our home, and from that day on, we became inseparable.

Tara and I were the closest of friends for almost 17 years. Sadly, she passed away from old age. The first year after I lost her, I was inconsolable. I was resolute I did not want to have a dog ever again. I just could not imagine another ball of fur in my heart. However, as time passed, I missed having a furry pal so much, that I began changing my mind slowly but steadily.

One day, I woke up with the conviction that the time had come for me to become a dog daddy for the second time in my life. This time, though, I knew I was getting a boy. Initially, I intended to adopt, so I tried dog shelters. However, one day, I went to visit a friend whose Great Dane had recently given birth to four adorable babies.

As I sat right there on the sofa, one of the puppies, a very light grey, small-black-dotted boy, clumsily crawled into my lap and gazed at me with the most endearing dark eyes. And that is how Jasper moved into my heart as well. We are glad to meet you, our reader, and we hope to have some good times together!